Call for Applications for Participation
RoboCup 2009 Standard Platform League
June 29 – July 5, 2009
Graz, Austria
RoboCup is an international initiative that fosters research and education in robotics and artificial intelligence, on multi-robot systems in particular, through competitions of RoboCup Robot Soccer, RoboCup Rescue, RoboCup@Home, and RoboCupJunior.
RoboCup currently includes a number of different robot soccer leagues that focus on different research challenges. The RoboCup Standard Platform League is a RoboCup robot soccer league, in which all teams compete with identical robots. The robots operate fully autonomously, i.e. there is no external control, neither by humans nor by computers. RoboCup 2008 included the Four-Legged Standard Platform League with the SONY AIBO robots, and the Two-Legged Standard Platform League with the Aldebaran Robotics humanoid NAO robots.
Due to the unfortunate discontinuation of the SONY AIBO robots, RoboCup 2009 will NOT include the Four-Legged Competition. Instead we invite teams to provide AIBO exhibition games.
No team registration fee will be charged for participation in the exhibition games. The games will be played on the shared Standard Platform League fields of the new standard small field dimension (slightly smaller than the past AIBO playing field.) Please see the RoboCup’2009 SPL website for further details.
RoboCup 2009 will then include ONLY the Two-Legged Competition with the Aldebaran humanoid NAO robots. We will be able to host up to 24 teams, which we will select from the interested parties.
Submission of Applications for Participation
By November 1st, 2008, interested teams need to submit the following to
- A 2-5 page qualification document that includes:
- the leader(s) and planned elements of the proposed team;
- a statement of commitment to participate in the RoboCup’2009 Standard Platform League – check the dates at;
- a statement of the research interests related to the participation; and
- a summary of past relevant work and publications.
- A statement whether you would like to participate in the Four-Legged Exhibition Games.
NOTE: Teams can participate in both.
We encourage teams to consider joint teams. Joint teams will be judged on combined merit.
The teams that competed in the Two-Legged Competition in 2008 will be pre-qualified for 2009 if:
- they state their intention of participation (include team constitution for 2009);
- and submit the team research report by November 1st, 2008, describing the work they have done for their participation in RoboCup 2008.
If a team splits, only one of them can be pre-qualified. Please state which one you would like us to pre-qualify.
RoboCup 2009 Standard Platform League Technical and Organizing Committees

The Nao finalists of RoboCup 2008: Numanoids’08, and GTCMUnited’08.